Yorkshire Selection Criteria
Selection for the Yorkshire squad is carried out by the Yorkshire Committee usually in October. We aim to pick the team as fairly as possible using national and regional rankings to base our decisions on. The order in which we use the ranking is listed below.
- Senior, Junior and Cadet National Rankings
- Leon Paul Junior Series
- Youth League Rankings
Where we have no ranking information the committee picks the team based on the knowledge and understanding of fencers within the region
How does the team thing work?
There are six teams per county one for each of the weapons. The teams will fence each other, and the winner is the region with the most victories.
How much fencing happens?
Two days worth. Fencing starts at about 10am on Saturday and finishes at 9pm on Saturday. Sunday starts at about 9am and finishes about 2-4pm.
Where is it held?
Millfield School in Street, Somerset
How do we get there?
The county usually hires a couple of minibuses, and then drives round the county picking the team up before setting off for sumerset. We usually pick up at Boston Spa, Skipton, Ferrybridge, and somewhere along the M1.
When do we eat?
Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast are provided as part of the trip.
Who goes with the team?
Usually regional committee members, co-opted helpers and referees.
When do we get back
Usually late on Sunday night, dropping off in the same places we picked up from.